From Hosting to Film: A Digital Media Ecosystem for the Psychedelic Community

From Hosting to Film: A Digital Media Ecosystem for the Psychedelic Community

From Hosting to Film: A Digital Media Ecosystem for the Psychedelic Community

Awake Media has evolved from a solo studio into a digital media ecosystem with a renaissance team of media experts who can serve the transformational community to create and send out their awakening messages and teachings quickly and powerfully. Ease of use is a key consideration for us because we find that if the processes have been streamlined, the creativity flows and we can create something great together. In the world of design, this is called Design Thinking, and we apply this to all our work.


hosting and domain management

wordpress web development

transmedia storytelling

entheogenic social network

books and ebooks

web video and animation



print design

coalition of independent contractors

subject matter experts

global renaissance team

The Awake Media Ecosystem

We are careful about who we work with and are seeking to “find the others” those who know in their heart of hearts that “There is no Other.” We want to harness the power of media for you and with you to create culture and quicken an awakening. Email or text Lakshmi Narayan at 619-366-7788 or 

Sacred Geometry in World Famous Logos

Sacred Geometry in World Famous Logos

Sacred Geometry in World Famous Logos

Sacred geometry is a map of the invisible. It’s the structures and patterns, atomic and galactic, that define forms and systems.

Understanding sacred geometry gives meaning to life, and simplifies navigating through an increasingly complex world. Consciousness is fractal and holographic. Patterns repeat themselves, by definition, in species and objects, in social systems, in behavior, and in cycles of change. They manifest as symbols—in business brands, in art and architecture, in mythology, and music, and religion, in number and word. Words, are made of letters and letters are FORMS, they’re Geometric, and Geometry is symbolic Mathematics. ‘LOGO’ means ‘WORD’. ‘LOGOS, is the ‘Logic of Word’ or ‘the person of.’  Here are a few corporate logos and the sacred geometry imbued in their symbols. We don’t know whether these symbols were designed with this understanding in mind, but it’s because of the meaning they imbue that people are attracted to certain forms. These forms keep repeating themselves through history.

The cross is a coordinate of a vertical and a horizontal ordinate. X and Y, which stand for direction, and also designate the male and female chromosomes. It symbolizes direction and crossroads, and of course, when viewed from below it is the Christian crucifix.


The pentagram is the five-pointed star, associated with Pentagonal symmetry, also associated with renewal and the Devil.

texaco logo

The Texaco logo derives it’s power from these 2 secular symbols, the pentagram and the cross, symbols of Christ and the Devil, or crucifixion and renewal, a union of polarities.

The Christian fish symbol, comes from the center carved out of the intersection of two circles whose circumference just touches the center of the other. This geometry is called a Vesica Piscis—’vesica’ means ‘bladder’ which could be likened to a sac containing something fluid, in this case “piscis” which means ‘pointed oval’. Two wholes, or two poles, left and right, male and female, good and evil, yin and yang — the sacred space formed by their intersection is, appropriately, the symbol of Christ. If you draw another vesica piscis inside the center and erase everything but the oval in the center, you get a pupil, a symbol used in Hindu mandalas, and geometric meditation diagrams symbolizing “vision.”

The Vesica Piscic geometry is the foundation of the Flower of Life symbol, as well as the Christian fish symbol

TWA used the same geometry in their original logo, symbolizing the union of different worlds through travel.

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And Mastercard uses it to denote the power of credit.

In all these cases, the form derives it’s original power from the meaning of a union of opposites. The meanings associated with it by brand came later. Those are more individual to the brand. The power of the symbol is universal and archetypal. VIEW OUR PORTFOLIO OF SACRED GEOMETRY LOGOS


Repositioning Psychedelics in the Collective Consciousness

Repositioning Psychedelics in the Collective Consciousness

Repositioning Psychedelics in the Collective Consciousness

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This article was originally published in the MAPS 2012 Winter Bulletin and is reproduced with their permission.

“I once heard of a behavioral study conducted at a university, years ago, long before I became interested in altered states of consciousness, that involved a group of chimpanzees who were placed in a room with a metal ladder, and in the middle of the room, dangling above the ladder, was a bunch of bananas, and of course, the researchers had electrified the ladder, and as expected, one of the chimps started up the ladder for a meal, and as you would imagine, one of the researchers engaged a switch and sent the chimp screaming down the ladder, electrified and terrified and empty-handed. Upon hearing the chimp’s distress, all the other chimps in the room began screaming and jumping with alarm. The mayhem eventually subsided and slowly, another chimp approached the ladder, and the chimp that got shocked, started screaming, and all the chimps joined in, and so no chimps would now approach the ladder.

Then the researchers removed the chimp that was shocked and brought a new chimp in, that had no idea of what was happening in the room, and of course, the new chimp headed directly for the bananas dangling at the top of the ladder, and all the chimps that had witnessed the initial shocking, began screaming and jumping up and down, which stopped the new chimp, who now started screaming and jumping with the other chimps. This happened over and over again until finally none of the chimps in the room had seen the original event and none knew what they were actually screaming about.” -Jack Cross

So here we are, the human race: war torn, economically bankrupt, mentally ill, over-medicated, over-crowded, fast losing our natural resources and constitutional liberties. And all because we won’t climb that ladder and have forgotten why we should.

The Big Lie Technique

The idea behind the Big Lie Technique is that if you repeat something often enough it becomes accepted as true. It was articulated by Adolf Hitler in his autobiography Mein Kampf.

 “…in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie…For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.”

—Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X[1]

What’s the Big Lie about psychedelics and how has it been perpetuated in our culture?

The lie began in the Garden of Eden, with the tale of the forbidden fruit hanging from the Tree of Knowledge, and the consequences should we eat of it. With this single twisted tale, we gained the iconography that has made its way into our modern symbol for medical healing and emergency as the caduceus. The First Law makes it dangerous for us to partake of knowledge, makes the feminine “evil,” and accentuates the polarization of our human psyche.







It’s no accident that the caduceus is our universal symbol for healing and emergencies, both in the East and the West, as it symbolizes the ultimate healing—parity between male and female, and reversal of the mythic conditions leading to the Fall of Man.The Western image for healing is two snakes intertwined around a pole, who kiss and grow wings at the top; in other words, they ascend and unite, becoming a creature of a higher order, from something that crawls to something that flies, from two to one. The snakes represent the male and female, or yin and yang, entwined like the double helix; no matter which way you slice it, it’s in the blueprint.







In the East, the caduceus represents the life force energy “rising” up the pole/spine of the neuron/tree to reach union in the pineal gland. Its called “Kundalini,” or Coiled Serpent, also known as the evolutionary energy of Man. It waits to be awakened at the base of the spine, perhaps by meditation, or perhaps by a chemical trigger. When activated, it moves up the spinal meridians, enlightening the way.

Your brain on drugs

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The Big Lie about psychedelics has continued to perpetuate in many ways through the centuries, suppressing many wisdom paths along the way: the decimation of the Druidic cultures, witch hunts in the Middle Ages, the demonization of the shaman by the Christian missionaries and Spanish conquistadores. The lie has certainly been repeated often enough.

In 1985, a group of powerful advertising agencies in the US created the Partnership for a Drug-Free America and ran a series of ad campaigns to “unsell drugs.” They targeted crack cocaine, marijuana, heroin, Ecstasy, and others. Best known among these is the ‘This Is Your Brain on Drugs” campaign which still reverberates today in the expression “being fried.” No doubt well-intentioned, the Partnership for a Drug Free America lumped psychedelics with toxic and more addictive substances. For over 11 years they bombarded us with messages which, while they have not succeeded in making us drug-free, have succeeded in making us very confused about the nature of the substances we call “Psychedelics” (seeing into the soul) or, for some, “Entheogens” (generating God within).

2,000 years of an empty chalice, and we’re a prison planet

When the path to Original Knowledge becomes recast as Original Sin, we have a culture that has been upside down for millennia. Long imprisoned by our ideas of what’s forbidden and what’s right and wrong, we’re stuck in context. Our relationship with our consciousness, with our spiritual nature, comes out of hearsay, books, over-translated long-dead religions, the tasteless wafer of sacraments that do not alter, empty rituals, idle worship, and questionable authorities.

Psychedelics are “mind-manifesting:” they can manifest the One Mind, or they can manifest the fragmented psyche. It all depends on the set and setting.“Set and setting” is a term that was coined by Timothy Leary to describe the conditions which predicate a good psychedelic experience. While the set and setting can be controlled in one’s immediate physical environment for the duration of a journey, the prevalent “global” set and setting that hangs over psychedelics in general is the shadow of ignorance and fear, which can only be transformed, not controlled.

The price we currently pay for altering our consciousness is loss of freedom—making criminals of those who partake in self-healing and self-knowledge, and changing the nature of the experience itself in ways that we cannot know or foresee. Psychedelics can help reframe reality by allowing a person trapped in a horrifying experience from their past to become aware of and release the memory, to experience the Self differently. The healing is of the body, mind, and spirit. But before psychedelics can reframe the global Self, we need to reframe how psychedelics are perceived in the public mind and portrayed in the media.

Media conditions culture

Both in their structure and their content, media and the psyche are inseparable. We are influenced by the cultural milieu we live in, despite ourselves. As Marshall McLuhan famously wrote: “The medium is the message.” What he meant is that the very form of the medium changes human experience, regardless of content. McLuhan felt that the content had little effect on the message, but in my view and experience, both medium and message are important: they are the yin and yang of how media work. Both together condition culture.

Until the advent of social media, conditioning was a one-way street, from the big TV networks of information and the press to the “public.” You needed a hefty marketing budget and expensive technical skills and equipment to broadcast anything on media. Today however, the landscape is dramatically different. We have email, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, photo sharing, infographics, group text messages, image editing, mobile phone cameras, all kinds of easily accessible and mostly free ways to broadcast your message, whether you’re a corporation or an individual.

The collective consciousness to the rescue

Let’s suppose for a moment that psychedelics are, apart from being a medicine for healing PTSD, addiction, and other “conditions,” also agents of evolution, and that the lack of an ongoing relationship with mind-expanding medicines has created a species on the brink of self-annihilation. Could it then be true, that if we, as a species, improve our relationship with psychedelics, we would experience a flowering of culture, a kind of renaissance of human consciousness? If this is true, then psychedelics might well be the most effective and easily accessible tinder we have for expanding our compassion, our intelligence, our creativity, our relationship with our body, our psyche, our mind, our planet, our cosmos, and our profundity.

It seems to me that this is a job for the collective conscious. To enable this communications to happen easily and be found in one place I’ve created, a social network for the psychedelic community which is also a 501C3 non-profit with the mission of funding ibogaine treatments for hard addictions through FEAT, the Fund for Entheogenic Addiction Treatments. Join us and help quicken an awakening!

What’s TRUE about psychedelics? Share it on your timeline and help regenerate culture.

Seeking Transcendent Media Collaborations

Seeking Transcendent Media Collaborations

Transcendent Media


Entheogens awaken one to a higher view of reality, a holographic view, and in order to communicate the truths that transcend the current views of our culture you need Transmedia Storytelling, an entirely new form of storytelling where the inner experience as well as the outer experience is elucidated, so that a species and culture in the grip of prohibition can understand why entheogens are a powerful savior and why we need to awaken to their decriminalization.

Awake Media is actively seeking clients, partners, and collaborations to create transcendent media products or services for the entheogenic marketplace. 

Contact Lakshmi or Rowan if you are interested in colaborating on these projects

Guided Multimedia Meditations: (seeking collaborators for ‘The Diamond Body” meditation)

Psychedelic Short Stories: A short multimedia piece that depicts a psychedelic episode or dream sequence, using a multimedia narrative form, where there is an audio retelling, combined with 3D, animation, live video, and typography.

Interactive shamanic children’s books (seeking collaborators for The Magic Tree)

Metaphysical Video Games (seeking collaborators for Raise Your Resonance and The Cosmic Snake and Jacob’s Ladder)

Feature Films – Seeking collaborators for Gifted, an ayahuasca feature film, Adoreway, a film about tantra, and’s FEAT documentary Iboga Saves

To initiate a conversation email or text Lakshmi Narayan at 619-366-7788