Media Creates Culture


Servers that Serve

Servers that Serve

I want to update you about recent streamlining improvements in Awake Media’s server management team and process offering you different upgrade tiers so you can scale as you grow.

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Media Creates Culture: A Blog by the Awake Media Coalition

Media Creates Culture: A Blog by the Awake Media Coalition

I conceived of what later became Awake Media while I was witnessing the Twin Towers toppling on TV. At that moment I knew that we as a species were going to need to spiritually awaken to transcend the trauma and turmoil that we have created at this level of consciousness, in it’s materiality. Awake Media offers integrated branding, web development, design and media services for the entheogenic and addiction recovery community.

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Lakshmi Narayan, Creative Director

Lakshmi Narayan, Creative Director

I'm from India, but I learned Swiss typography during my Master's program at University of Illinois in Chicago, where I also learned design history from a professor who was as passionate about it as myself. I am a conceptual designer. I understand branding and how to...

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Elizabeth Thomas, book designer, painter

Elizabeth Thomas, book designer, painter

As a graphic designer, I’ve worked with varied audiences. From symbols and logos, brochures, and books for urban readers, to developing and testing teaching aids for village health workers and exhibitions about women’s struggles in village Panchayats. Worked with a...

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Sacred Commerce

Sacred Commerce

Awake Media creates films, apps, and books about a very important topic: entheogens, a.k.a. psychedelics. I have decided to put the power of my 40 years of experience with branding and design, as well as the power of media itself, wholly to work on communicating and...

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Iboga Saves: a documentary

Iboga Saves: a documentary

I'm very happy to announce that Lakshmi Narayan of Awake Media has joined forces with Producer/Director Eric Thiermann, founder of Impact Creative and  Academy Award Nominee and DP for Oscar winner "Women for America"  to make a documentary about ibogaine, the...

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Sacred Geometry in World Famous Logos

Sacred Geometry in World Famous Logos

Sacred geometry is a map of the invisible. It’s the structures and patterns, atomic and galactic, that define forms and systems. Understanding sacred geometry gives meaning to life, and simplifies navigating through an increasingly complex world. Consciousness is fractal and holographic. Patterns repeat themselves, by definition, in species and objects, in social systems, in behavior, and in cycles of change. They manifest as symbols—in business brands, in art and architecture, in mythology, and music, and religion, in number and word.

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Brand Strategy: The Big Picture Process

Brand Strategy: The Big Picture Process

Awake Media’s Big Picture Process This process is dedicated to my late friend, business partner and mentor, Dan Bockman. When I met him, Dan was in his 70’s, at the tail end of a brilliant career as a Creative Director for an international ad agency in LA, with...

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Seeking Transcendent Media Collaborations

Seeking Transcendent Media Collaborations

Entheogens awaken one to a higher view of reality, a holographic view, and in order to communicate the truths that transcend the current views of our culture you need Transmedia Storytelling, an entirely new form of storytelling where the inner experience as well as the outer experience is elucidated, so that a species and culture in the grip of prohibition can understand why entheogens are a powerful savior and why we need to awaken to their decriminalization.

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The Secret of Synchronicity

The Secret of Synchronicity

The Buddha questioned the necessity of suffering. He is represented as having withdrawn into pure detachment, and to me there has always been something partial about this interpretation of his teaching. No-mind, in my experience, is a very heartful place. I am drawn...

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