Sacred Geometry in World Famous Logos

Sacred geometry is a map of the invisible. It’s the structures and patterns, atomic and galactic, that define forms and systems.

Understanding sacred geometry gives meaning to life, and simplifies navigating through an increasingly complex world. Consciousness is fractal and holographic. Patterns repeat themselves, by definition, in species and objects, in social systems, in behavior, and in cycles of change. They manifest as symbols—in business brands, in art and architecture, in mythology, and music, and religion, in number and word. Words, are made of letters and letters are FORMS, they’re Geometric, and Geometry is symbolic Mathematics. ‘LOGO’ means ‘WORD’. ‘LOGOS, is the ‘Logic of Word’ or ‘the person of.’  Here are a few corporate logos and the sacred geometry imbued in their symbols. We don’t know whether these symbols were designed with this understanding in mind, but it’s because of the meaning they imbue that people are attracted to certain forms. These forms keep repeating themselves through history.

The cross is a coordinate of a vertical and a horizontal ordinate. X and Y, which stand for direction, and also designate the male and female chromosomes. It symbolizes direction and crossroads, and of course, when viewed from below it is the Christian crucifix.


The pentagram is the five-pointed star, associated with Pentagonal symmetry, also associated with renewal and the Devil.

texaco logo

The Texaco logo derives it’s power from these 2 secular symbols, the pentagram and the cross, symbols of Christ and the Devil, or crucifixion and renewal, a union of polarities.

The Christian fish symbol, comes from the center carved out of the intersection of two circles whose circumference just touches the center of the other. This geometry is called a Vesica Piscis—’vesica’ means ‘bladder’ which could be likened to a sac containing something fluid, in this case “piscis” which means ‘pointed oval’. Two wholes, or two poles, left and right, male and female, good and evil, yin and yang — the sacred space formed by their intersection is, appropriately, the symbol of Christ. If you draw another vesica piscis inside the center and erase everything but the oval in the center, you get a pupil, a symbol used in Hindu mandalas, and geometric meditation diagrams symbolizing “vision.”

The Vesica Piscic geometry is the foundation of the Flower of Life symbol, as well as the Christian fish symbol

TWA used the same geometry in their original logo, symbolizing the union of different worlds through travel.

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And Mastercard uses it to denote the power of credit.

In all these cases, the form derives it’s original power from the meaning of a union of opposites. The meanings associated with it by brand came later. Those are more individual to the brand. The power of the symbol is universal and archetypal. VIEW OUR PORTFOLIO OF SACRED GEOMETRY LOGOS