Transcendent Media


Entheogens awaken one to a higher view of reality, a holographic view, and in order to communicate the truths that transcend the current views of our culture you need Transmedia Storytelling, an entirely new form of storytelling where the inner experience as well as the outer experience is elucidated, so that a species and culture in the grip of prohibition can understand why entheogens are a powerful savior and why we need to awaken to their decriminalization.

Awake Media is actively seeking clients, partners, and collaborations to create transcendent media products or services for the entheogenic marketplace. 

Contact Lakshmi or Rowan if you are interested in colaborating on these projects

Guided Multimedia Meditations: (seeking collaborators for ‘The Diamond Body” meditation)

Psychedelic Short Stories: A short multimedia piece that depicts a psychedelic episode or dream sequence, using a multimedia narrative form, where there is an audio retelling, combined with 3D, animation, live video, and typography.

Interactive shamanic children’s books (seeking collaborators for The Magic Tree)

Metaphysical Video Games (seeking collaborators for Raise Your Resonance and The Cosmic Snake and Jacob’s Ladder)

Feature Films – Seeking collaborators for Gifted, an ayahuasca feature film, Adoreway, a film about tantra, and’s FEAT documentary Iboga Saves

To initiate a conversation email or text Lakshmi Narayan at 619-366-7788